Categories for Uncategorized

A special OpenAI Valemtime from Cee to Sten

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Hey Sten, if you were a meal, you’d definitely be “gostoso” — because every time I’m around you, I feel like I’m indulging in something way too good for my diet. Just remember, calories don’t count on Valentine’s Day. Love you, you delicious thing!

A special OpenAI Valemtime from Ten to Cee

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Hey Cee, you’re like a puppy in a cocktail dress – cute enough to make me swoon and sexy enough to raise my heart rate. Let’s be honest, I’m really just here for the cuteness, but your sexy side is a thrilling bonus I never saw coming!

A special OpenAI Valemtime from Stênio to Cecília

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Dear Cecília, You’re the only “fofo” in my life that doesn’t require a hard drive. If my affection were a subscription, I’d forget to cancel it and end up paying forever. Here’s to our love being as cute as a cat video but with fewer scratches! Yours hilariously, Stênio

A special OpenAI Valemtime from Rods to Lelets

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Dear Lelets, In a world where size matters, you’re my “Pequena” – tiny yet mighty. Just like a shot of espresso, you pack more punch than a double latte. Here’s to being small enough to dodge responsibilities but big enough to steal my heart! Love, Rods

A special OpenAI Valemtime from Lelets to Rods

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Hey Rods, Happy Valentine’s Day! Just like pitchulinha—tiny but mighty—I love how you can bring the intensity of a thousand suns while simultaneously making me question my life choices. Here’s to our perfectly odd union! Remember, it’s about quality over quantity… especially in snacks. Yours, Lelets